Virtual Hypno Gastric Band
For clients that have a BMI of over 30, tecnically classified as clinically obese, I offer the Virtual Hypno Gastric Band as the most effective weight management programme.
If you have a BMI of 30 or less, please go to my Weight Management Page.
To check your BMI, click here
Your subconscious mind will believe that you have actually gone through the real medical procedure in a hospital, that you have had the gastric band fitted and that your stomach capacity has been greatly reduced.
Unlike the real operation, you will have no pain, no healing time, no after effects of anaesthetic, and the knowledge that the virtual hypno gastric band has scored 95% success rate in clinical trials against 80% success with the actual operation!
This programme is made up of 4 x 60 minute sessions (pre-booked as it is very important that you confirm your commitment).
To book call 07496 535290, Email Susan
or go straight to Online Bookings.
Top Up Session
Most clients who start their journey with the Virtual Gastric Band, continue by themselves long after the sessions have finished, with their subconscious mind having made the changes needed to keep them on track.
However, we are learning all the time!
It's easy to learn new bad habits along the way, and that's why Northants Hypnotherapy offers a top-up session for these times.
The session is tailor made to your requirements so whatever you need, this session will help you stay on track.
Ongoing Support
For those clients who have successfully completed their Virtual Gastric Band Therapy, there is an opportunity to gain continued ongoing support at a hugely discounted price of £45 per month for 12 months.
This ongoing support gives you access to a 1 Hour Hypnosis Session or Zoom Chat with Sue each month and email/messenger support as required.